These photos show how regular, mild, and tranquil the South Platte CAN be.  Below is a photo taken from a spot along the river in the Bravo State Wildlife Area.  The date was May 10, 2011.South Platte at Bravo from CR 34 Spillway (5-10-11)

May 8, 2012.South Platte River at Bravo 34 Spillway  (5-8-12)

June 5, 2012.S. Platte at Bravo 34 Spillway (6-13-12)

September 28, 2012.South Platte River at Bravo Spillway 34 (9-28-12)

October 6, 2012.S. Platte at Bravo Spillway 34 (10-6-12)

October 30, 2012.South Platte River at Bravo Spillway 11-15-12)

Down near the first tree in the shots above a Colorado Parks and Game minnow survey is conducted by students from Colorado State University.Parks and Game Minnow Survey  (9-4-13) at 34 Spillway

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