The yellow one, called Bigroot Pricklypear, Opuntia macrorhiza. This one was at the river but they abound on the prairie.
Bigroot Pricklypear. The colors do vary, particularly in the centers.
It’s nice to find a red prickly pear. This Opuntia polyacantha is on the ridge north of Stoneham and New Raymer. It has been there for several years.
This little Devil I don’t have a name for. It is a small, club-shaped prickly pear that can take over pastures. It spreads when broken or dismembered by cattle’s hooves. Recent studies also suggests that hail storms break the pads from the plant and cause a new plant. I have it in the natural grass area behind my house and must remove it with a shovel and throw it into the trash before mowing to keep down, and discourage, weeds. Catch it with a mower and your problem is compounded.