Antler development and shedding can be seen in the life of a regular to my area, easy to spot because of his split left ear.  Hence, his name is Split Ear.  Here he is below on March eighteen just after losing his antlers.Mule Deer  3-18 (Split Ear)

By April sixteenth he is starting to develop buds.  Here he is hanging out with some girls.Mule Deer (Split Ear, antler buds) (4-16-13)

By May Twenty they start to take shape.  Notice that the winter hair on the ears is disappearing as the Summer coat develops. Mule Deer (Split Ear)

May twenty-nine.Mule Deer (L. Split Ear, 5-30-13)

June five.Split Ear (Mule Deer)

June thirteen.  He has alway been  more red than other bucks and sometimes carries the color well into Fall.  The light is helping here.Mule Deer (L. Split Ear 6-14-13) (Summer Red)

The bucks disappear to their Summer pastures, where I don’t know, and I don’t see them until the next rutting season, starting soon after Halloween and continuing into January.  Here is Split Ear December six after his five month absence.  Looks as if he has been polishing his antlers on something red.Mule Deer (Split Ear)

It’s January seventeen and the rut is all but over.  The testosterone levels begin to drop and the antlers will follow shortly.  The older bucks  loose theirs before the younger bucks so for a brief couple of weeks the lesser guys can hold sway.Mule Deer (Split Ear)

March second and Split Ear is down to a single antler.Mule Deer (Split Ear with one Antler) (3-3-14)

The next day none, and his powerful neck is gone as well.Mule Deer (Split-Ear, antlerless) (3-4-14)

But here he is back for his sixth year.  And look at that neck.  This shot was taken November twenty-seventh.  In three months he will be back to zero.  But what a three months.Mule Deer  (Split Ear)

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