Getting pictures of underground creatures is challenging. Fortunately a neighbor’s cat seems to think I like dead robins, grackles, and baby cottontails as it is always bringing them to me. Scolding doesn’t seem to help. Today it brought me a vole, still alive and apparently uninjured. Since it wouldn’t stay in one place to be photographed, I put it in a one-gallon aquarium that was not as clean as I would have liked. Below are the results. I later released it beside an irrigation ditch. Any search engine will disclose that there are eight varieties in Colorado. They seemingly are monogamous, and prolific. One site says they are mature in a month. They are all over. Great food for owls, foxes, and coyotes. Seemingly they are Nature’s Tater Tots. (Most of the pictures on the search engines are from and for exterminators who would be happy to come to your home and rid you of them. I prefer to feed the owls, foxes, and coyotes–and the one Bobcat that sauntered past last week.)
The afore mentioned Cat. Seen here Working.
These are vole trails at the river that had been under the snow.