One hawk you can get very close to.  Invariably they are pictured as shown below, on a fence post or rail or parallel to a tree limb.  This insect eater is spread continent wide.  It winters in southern South America.  If you are lucky you might be “Boomed” by a male at dusk.  An eerie, disconcerting sound if you don’t know what it is. The blur in the background of the first photo is East Pawnee Butte.Night Hawk

Common Nighthawk

While checking on flowers at North Sterling State Park I startled this one from its nest and was “attacked” by it.  It went into the broken wing ceremony so I knew a nest was nearby.  I was wrong.  They don’t have nests.

The bird calmed once it realized I meant little harm. Both sexes set on the eggs and tend the young, so I don’t know the sex of this bird.

This is the nest.

In another “nest” I found this guy.  Alone with a parent nearby.  The “Birders’ Handbook” says the broods are generally 1-3.

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